Friday, 30 December 2011

Is'nt it quiet

when the gen-o-rator is turned off, yes the electrickery is back on  human is happy as he has come home from work early and we are happy as the linesmen who came gave us sandy witches with cheese and red things, yes I know we should not but it would be rude not to .
Human is runing around getting ready for tomorrows party, he getting a new what ever and wants to see the old one go and see in the new one in , I wonder if what ever it is will come by courier.

Thursday, 29 December 2011


to the rescue, with a degree of confidence human announces that he will start gen-o-rator , purely to run the deep freezer of course. Within seconds its humming away , we have light ! and I presume a running freezer.
Its still very windy and will stay windy says human, its going to very bad and we will have to stay indoors,human says he will stay in doors too and will watch a television, whatever, lucky we have a gen-o-rator then

Tuesday, 27 December 2011


humans are busy muttering about the wind,personaly I dont mind the brussels sprouts but hammer,nails and lengths of wood are extreme measures but by the way he's working gales are due,again. The calm before the storm however was enjoyable we all went up to the woodland for a mooch about ,saw a squirel ,deer and wabbits, lots of them, thought it a poor joke about getting carrots and pastry.Some of the trees had blown over in the last gale and human says he will cut them up for burning in his pen.
well we're all hunkered down for the night and the wind is getting stronger, I hope our barn doesnt blow over or that'll be cut up for firewood.........

Monday, 26 December 2011


day yesterday ,so nice and quiet, a nice breakfast a cuddle off the human and my apple.
But today is boxing day, haven seen human thump anyone today,yet.

Saturday, 24 December 2011

What the heck..

 It’s just on midnight, there’s a noise out side , is that someone breaking in ? all of us are awake, defiantly something or someone making a noise ,the door is opening, slowly, a shaft of light silhouettes a figure hardly moving for the weight of a large bag over his shoulder. “ Oi” I shout, hang on goats don’t shout Oi, but before I can gather my thoughts there are more shouts of “who are you “ “what do you want?” everyone has joined in, the horses, cats, my lady goats and even the dogs we are all speaking human.
“Shhhh “ says the old man with the sack “it’s the magic hour ,at midnight all God’s animals speak,
  In the barn on Christmas Eve, After all the people leave,The animals, in voices low, Remember Christmas long ago . Its an old poem you see “ and he sat down with us and recounted the verse. And when he’d finished he was gone, leaving just a memory and a gift, an apple.
I like apples.
Merry Christmas two and four leggers.


Mayhem !

Mrs human has been in and hidden some fancy boxes, exept she's not telling whats in them , it is tempting to jump out and have a look but after the telling off I had over the apple thing I'd better not.
at least the top-net-book-lap is back after human borrowed it to look at the amazon, just how do you deliver a south american river...
As far as us goats and horses are concerned its a special night to night, it got chilly again and the wind is getting up. us goats are snuggled up, the horses are pulling at the hay nets and trying to ingore the cats curled up in the corner of the stable . Out side the ducks and chickens have been quiet since darkness fell,just an occasional quack, even the 2 dogs are standing guard in the run expecting something to happen........

Thursday, 22 December 2011


I heard naughty words when human came in to feed us , he help up the apple box ,then shouted at us all, a lot , but we got breakfast then human got all the other stuff hidden out and took it all away, serve him right I say , cats say that he had put it all in the log store, now that is asking for trouble...........

Got it !!

one thing about a very flexible neck is that I can reach things that are juuuust out of reach. After much contortion I got it , the red box with what  human said was an apple in it , well I can tell you it no way looks tastes or smells like an apple .
I somehow think I wont be getting breakfast today, I wonder if I could blame the cats.............

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Stanger and

stranger, human is still at it , hiding stuff around the barn shaking boxes and telling us whats in them , as if we'd know, the only one that sounds interesting he said was an apple, I like apples, I wonder if I can reach it..
As soon as he goes indoors the cats will come over  and no doubt tell us more about the tree,yes a whole tree Human has taken into his pen , its too new to burn, is he going crazy ?

Tuesday, 20 December 2011


about and looking furtive, human is up tp something , hiding boxes with bright wraping in the straw. Coming back moments later and checking, most odd behavoiur, just too far to reach and have a look, yet...

Monday, 19 December 2011


snow and all the water is running down the yard like a river, so funny seeing the cats tip toeing trying to stay dry, more amusing was the dogs sitting "guarding" the backdoorstep and getting covered by snow falling off the roof !
Not so big and brave now eh ! meanwhile back in our nice comfy beds..........

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Bright and

breezy, human is all bouncy and jolly , not a care in the world, a day recuperating has done him good . we've been given greens from the garden, nice clean beds , loads of loverly haylage and he left the lap-net-top-book convinient to my pen, no coersing the cats, as if you can coerse a cat, must be Christmas the way he is behaving.
More snow last night it getting deeper by the day, the horses are enjoying it, glad I'm inside.

Saturday, 17 December 2011

A Bear

with a sore head is the best way to describe human today, we must bleat quietly, he's very quiet, no singing or jollity either just a mumbled " morning" and thats it, feed in the bucket, hay in the rack and he's gone leaving the smell of freshly brewed coffe wafting on the icy breeze..........
More snow is falling this afternoon , humans been back out to check on us , should have been the other way round in my opinion...

Friday, 16 December 2011

Oh dear Oh

dear oh dear oh dear, Human has come home this afternoon by taxi car and seems disorientated,fallioverish and loosed tounge , looks like the company staff christmas dinner went well then , thankfuly his judgement in feeding us tonight is on the rather generous side , and isnt it lucky the horses know their own way from the field ........
He's gone off to his pen muttering "why? why? never again " looks like a long lie in bed tomorrow

Thursday, 15 December 2011

winters icy grip

continues, and human has come home with the gen a rator, its not an animal but a big green machine that whirrs and smells and makes a light bulb glow, this he announces will provide us with light and keep the little people in the talking box awake, and by the sound of it keep us awake too. Nice to know he cares though.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

It wont stop

its still blowing and there is sleet in the rain , its oh so cold and damp outside, for those with two legs!!!!
Human is talking about getting a gen a rator , none of us have heard of such an animal, what does it eat, how big a pen will it need ? he says we need one for the winter, the last thing we needed for a short time was a cow, then he ate it ! Hmmm

Monday, 12 December 2011

I bleated too

soon ! getting back to normal, ha ! yesterday was starting as a nice day , then it froze , human was slipping about on the ice to our amusement , should try 4 leg drive ! then as if by magic the power went off, again , the logs from the shed opposite our pens were disapearing into the humans house , no radio, no interwebnet, no comedy human...... what a boring afternoon.
Whoopee  the elecktrikery is back on and the wind is now getting stronger, will this ever end ? still a nice warm bed awaits and the little talking box is chattering away.

Saturday, 10 December 2011

deep and crisp

and even, the snow that is . we've all been out side in the snow, its the nice kind of snow little granules and dry sort of thing, any way its great for running around, rolling,play fighting and bouncing off the girls . human is hitting things to make them better, he was on the roof and we all waited , and waited , but no he didnt fall off.
Things are gettting back to normal, well as normal as it will ever be here.

Friday, 9 December 2011


I have a follower,apparantly, Hello to you and of course hello to all the other readers who mail me especialy those of you of the caprine persuasion!

I have been chastised for not thanking them , I will make amends,so hi to "Lizzy has a camera" shame I cant message you direct but after all I'm only a goat you know.

White out

and then the the electrickery went off , human came in again gave us all a cuddle and said goodnight , darned horses got a carrot each ! the power was off for a long time and when daylight came there was stuff blown about the place, what a mess.

Thursday, 8 December 2011


The wind is strong the roof is shaking and crashing up and down, human keeps coming in and looking up, the people in the little talking box say there has been wind of 163 miles an hour up in the mountains the biggest wind here is 93 miles an hour and there is rain and sleet,even the horses are in to night .Human says he wont sleep to night,, well that'll make 5 of us them

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

A sad day

its still cold and horrible and the oldest of the girls is getting stiffer and her joints have been painful since the weather took a turn, human gives her a warm blanket and extra bedding and lots of attention, but today she said she didnt want to see another winter and be a burden, after all 13 summers and lots of kids had been a good life.
Human came to see her this morning and spoke softly to her and gave her a cuddle , he cried , a lot, so did we .
This afternooon the expensive lady came and human put us in the horses pen ,we knew what was happening and said our goodbyes to her, she said not to be sad as it would be a peaceful thing in her own pen and near her freinds.

Goodbye Bella,god bless.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011


and frightning, flash ! crash ! bang ! what a storm during the night and still it snows, human comes out to see if we are ok, we give him the wide eyed scary look , its worth a few carrots and calming words, come daylight fresh snow has covered the yard and the only pawprints are the cats as they come to report that human spent most of the night under his bedding hiding from the storm , ha ha no carrots for him then.
The wind is chilly and blowing through the barn, its not good, time to cuddle up together, wish it was summer.

Monday, 5 December 2011


snow and it's getting colder human is dressed up in big thick coat that makes him look like a yeti ,but the cats say in his pen he burns trees to keep warm and takes his coat off,  so in the spirit of animal / human cooperation they sit on him to keep him warm, so they say....

Sunday, 4 December 2011

So terribly

WRONG  " tomorrow human says it will be sunny"  well imagine our suprise when we woke up this morning and looked out at  THE SNOW !!! sunny ?  so in the spirit of all things caprine we stand at the door and bleat that we want to go out knowing human will have to eat humble pie and fluff up the beds.

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Mr Grumpy

our human is grumpy, very grumpy . He's cold and wet, the weather is wintery and the wind is blowing from the artic, meanwhile our beds are warm and comfy....  the horses are back outside with thick rugs , tomorrow human says it will be sunny and we can go out too, wonder if we get a rug ?

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Pinch and a punch

it's the first of the month, soon be christmas, are we getting excited ?  well the countdown is on , human is talking about a tree for the house and decorations too , what do we get ? well....... 
theres talk of the special christmas lunch, all of it from the garden and farm yard, plenty of veggies in the garden and thankfuly I'm not a turkey or goose come to that, and who's going to tell them, best not to eh?

The horses are in today as the man is coming to trim the hooves and annoy human by wanting more money than last time. I like horses, couldnt eat a whole one though. ha ha , thats a joke
The darkness is arriving sooner in the day, to day it was here mid afternoon and the lights did not come on , oh well , aan excuse for a sleep

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Shake rattle and roll

its still wet and windy, human took our link with the outside world for feeding yesterday, so we made our own entertainment,games such as munch up paperwork,chew some woodwork, throw hay on the floor ( really good one that ) and shouting for our food, even though we were fed a couple of hours ago ! Today we played the head stuck in the railings joke, human falls for it every time. And now its so windy the cats are in and hiding in the straw loft the lights are flickering so there may be a power c.....

Monday, 28 November 2011

It's still

windy, human is doing inside jobs today , we have nice clean anf fluffy beds, and just to get him exited we eat some of it as he moans whats wrong with the haylage, great, he falls for it every time . Oh and we wait to see if one of the girls comes back in heat... if she does I get the blame, and get lucky, if not its more kids on the way , at least human hasnt mentioned the AI words

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Spoke too soon

" the wind has dropped" Ha ha !  with a sudden blast doors and widows were banging the roof was shaking and we all took cover as human rushed round fixing down anything not on a lead rope .
It got stonger and stronger and noisier and louder that I have ever heard before , the the light went out and the little people in the box went quiet Human is going about with his light on a stick thing  and wishing us good night ,
GOOD NIGHT who the heck is he kidding ?? and then the inter-web-net-top-book needs feeding and goes to sleep. the cats join us , well in body at least. it was a looooong night.

the light came back on just as it was getting light out side, time for a sleep.......

Friday, 25 November 2011


is golden, the wind has dropped  and human says its too damp and cold to go out, HELLO what about this thick wooly coat I have on Doh ! still the sun is shining and were going fo the carrot sack when he's gone in doors

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Winter warning

the talking box with the little people is speaking about gales and snow coming soon, woohooo! extra bedding extra feed and extra grumpy human ! The roof is clattering in the wind and its getting stronger. time to lean over and steal a bit more cabbage.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011


Mmmmm  we have a treat to day, human has been digging up carrots, I'm 100% sure they are for us , after all they are just in reach as are the cabbages,so thoughtful.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Where's our tea ?

this is just not good enough, I'm outraged ! Human has been away all day, the talking box with little people in it is quiet, the cats have dissapeared and the only excitement we have is the redbreast bird raking about by the feed bins and cheeping in disgust at the lack of pickings . Back to sleep then

Monday, 21 November 2011

Ar'nt Mondays are great

Human has fed,watered and made our beds , Ahhhhhh  back to bed as the metal horse rumbles up the driveway giving us a  few hours peaceful cudding and teasing the cats , maybe a snooze or two.
Its a hard life.

Sunday, 20 November 2011

All together now,

BAAAAAAA ! and again BAAAAAAA !  ha ha that'll learn him, old groggy head better get a move on , its sunny and we want to go out NOW, BAAAAAAAA . silly sod should have kept off the falling over juice last night, common girls nice and loud now BAAAAAAA ! 
  Here he comes Awwww head sore ? never mind   BAAAAAA ! 

And dont forget us this time ..............

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Oh now he

remembers, yes its dark and the sun went to bed a while ago, JUST LIKE WE SHOULD HAVE silly human has just remmbered us out in the paddock. We heard him coming , just in time to get out of the shelter where we were cuddled up together and run to the gate and put on "the" look. Sucker falls for it and there a bit extra in the feed bucket. Daft bugger.

Friday, 18 November 2011

The battery is an

issue , human tends to leave the book-net-top-book on and then the thing needs feeding from the teat of the adaptor plug thing, why oh why oh why cant he put it in hedgehog mode , then as it hibernates it wont need feeding so much.
No more news on the AI front, maybe a flash in the pan , goodness knows what the next big idea will be.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Should have read the

instructions, after the shock and horror of the AI procedures on the world-net-web-wide-inter thing I failed to read all of the available information ( just like male humans dont read instructions !)
The thing that didnt cross my mind untill this morning was where do the raw ingredients required for insemination come from, well I know that , but  what I mean is how do they get it ? and , oooh err , I've just had a thought......

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Gather round Ladies

t'was a damp dark november evening , the sort of night that goblins and elves are abroad , was that something moving in the shadows ? was that a low moan or just the wind ? is that a werewolf howling at the full moon , or nextdoors dog.............  Now  I'll tell you a story of such horror , depravity and  fearsome practices, a story handed down over the generations  a story  left to me by our human on his top-net-book-web , here look at these pictures and see the words that describe

                                                ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION

Dont have nightmares now....

Monday, 14 November 2011

Be afraid.....

having liberated the top-net-book-lap and joy of joys still fed and working I was somewhat shocked by humans interwebnet surfing history. He's been looking at ,and I hang my head in a mixture of shame/horror and embarrasment

                                            ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION !!!!!!  

hows a billy goat to feel after that ?
I havent told the girls , yet.

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Beyond a joke

I have spent all of yesterday stretching and contorting myself in an attempt to get the top-book-net-lap off the stupid shelf that just a bit too far out of reach, I mean I can just touch it with my tounge but as it has no suckers like an octopuss I end up trying to lick it off the shelf, stareing and willing it off the shelf ,useless !!Wheres a cat when you need one.........

Friday, 11 November 2011

Dont Panic !

A lesurely breakfast, a nice stretch, sip of water and a sniff of the girlies. What more could a billy want?
But wait , human has departed for the morning leaving us to get upto goat mischief . Nothing is loose and breakable, sides of the pens are to hight to jump just no scope to cause havoc, and worst of all .... human has taken the lap-book-net-top with him, damm.

I spy with my little eye..........
Animal vegatable or mineral.....
the games goats play when bored, we did consider charades but that would just be acting the goat.

Thursday, 10 November 2011

What a boring day

its been one of those days ,dull , damp and down right boring. Human has gone out in the metal horse the cats are taking liberties with the milk buckets, and worse of all the box of little people making music is silent.
Cudding is relaxing, I am soooo chilled out I may just fall asleeeee.........

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

I'm ready and

waiting for the call to the mobile shed,I've splashed it all over and smell just great , bring on the girls.Come on human hurry up!
After all the doings to the metal horse I thought I was off to see the ladies, but no, the the thing is off to the car vet, probably needs a jab or its feet trimming.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

The shorter days

seem to concentrate the activities, human has been running about cutting trees,getting bitten by the fence that bites, at last and doing things to the metal horse he calls car (  strange name )  I suspect I may be off to see more girlies.Meanwhile us goats have been bravely grazing in the autum sunshine and watching the chickens, well someone has to do it, oh well time to turn in and push this book-net-top-lap accross the table a bit , after all the cats are getting the blame for making it mucky !

Monday, 7 November 2011

Frosty mornings

so tired after yesterday playing in the sun, but happy goats . reluctantly we were led back to the goat shed, and slept the sleep of cats ! This morning is all white with the frost, brrr and No we will stay in bed , for a while at least un till the sun is out again

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Oh what a beautiful

morning, the sun is out ,no wind and were all out to the field in a moment, I can see human checking the fence that bites back, go on touch it, you know we want you too, go on, its so funny when you do ....

Saturday, 5 November 2011

What the blue

blazes is going on ??  Human keeps coming in and looking at and us muttering "damm fireworks" why ? yes there are loud bangs in the distance, but lets face it when our human is welding , metal working,cutting wood with the orange noisy bee,cussing, playing the box with people in it making music ( they must be very small ) and, SINGING   does he worry about us then? Nooooooo
Now I'm going back to sleep, again

Wow !

where did yesterday go ? I'll tell you where the top-book-note-lap was no well and needed feeding , and human said he's busy. Still a good day doing my duty as a stud goat and a day of rest out in the sunshine today no girls to play with though

Thursday, 3 November 2011


what an awful damp day, the fog gets in every where, soaking in to the skin,cold and damp, i cant thing of anything worse, Poor poor human (ha ha). Still warm and snug in the shed. I love work and can watch it all day. especialy when human is on the muck heap. oh well lights out night night

Humans up early

Good grief ! he's up early, it still dark the rain is dinging down, the wind is shaking the shed and I'm oh so comfey in my nice warn bed with hay to hoof, breakfast just delivered and loverly girls for company, so just what is this "work" he speaks of ?

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

The mobile shed

Woo hoo as special treat, Ive been out to day, human put on his red skin suit that he wears when he works and leads me out to the mobile shed thats fixed to the back of the car, this can only mean one thing, More girls!!  yes its a have it away day !!  yeppee  quick more parfume de goat


Its very quiet here in the goat shed ,human must still be in his pen, the girls still asleep and the top-lap-book-net said it was hibernating, just what is going on ?? is it national lie in day, human better pull his finger out as we all need feeding, give it half an hour then I start the dawn chourus with the girls !

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

I Love my Human

I gave him a nice rub this morning, share the love I say and it took a while for him to realise the odour de goat was me, but he did let me have my wicked way, a couple of times. All the girls are shouting I'm loving this and its been a sunny day to, what more could I want in life

I'm a babe magnet

Who needs the lynx effect, my own brand of scent  has the girls all fired up this morning , I am the goat of goats the girls are getting exited and to cap it all I'm going to share my special scent with the human when he comes in to feed us , I presume it will make him more attractive to the girlies in his work ,Ha ha ha .

Looks like a good day ahead, so many wagging tails

Monday, 31 October 2011

Something in the Air

you know when you smell something on the breeze ? is it food ? is it something burning ? No its girlies coming into season. Oh happy days , better splash on some "splashitallover" as Henry Cooper said, lucky I make my own scen Mmmmm loverly . Sweet dreams girls

Cant trust a cat

I asked the cat if he knew about the net-lap-book-top things feeding, the ginger furball said he had no technical knowlege. Well he truly busted now .. just seen him using a mouse,geddit ??
Oh well, human is about moannig about getting up and going to work, Ha ha ha how we all laugh here in our nice snug goatshed with our comfy beds.................

Mmmm back to sleep

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Hang on a mo

looks like the Humans are having cauliflower tonight , a most enjoyable snack of fresh leaves just delivered, saves having to negotiate the "fence that bites" around the veg patch

is it me

but have we been fed and put to bed later as its darker or earlier as its seems to have been a short day, I dont understand ,but this has happened before.... oh well lights out and surf the web for hot nanny goats while the girls nag me to look up stud lists, oooooeerr missus !

Thats lucky

cat have denied any technical knowlege on how to feed the book-lap-note-top but human appears to have been using it and its pluged in to some thing ,but its not the milking machine ( instrument of the devil say the girls ) but the same place it connects to .


Where is my human ? I want my breakfast , just what is going on , the sun is out the sky is blue its chilly but I have my hairy coat on .BUT WHERE IS MY HUMAN WITH MY BREAKFAST , the girls and I are now going to shout and shout and shout    until he gets up and feeds us and put us out in the sun .
just cant get the staff you know.

note to self;  ask cats if they know how to feed this lap-note-book-top

Saturday, 29 October 2011

80% battery

Hmmm  do I need to feed the lap-net-book-top ?

Its a cold wet night

Outside its horrible, but in side the straw is fluffed up and I'm snug as a human in a duvet.
The girls are chattering away but I'm only half listening to them and half listening for anything unusual, after all I am in charge ! and more inportantly I have the net-top-book thing .

 On the Internet no one knows I'm a goat.........