Sunday, 19 February 2012

Hot Keys !

the lap-book-top-net has reappeared, the human has kindly left it on, so purely out of interest he had a look at his browsing history....... He's been on the Goat club web site looking at show dates for the summer !! Woo Hoo !  outings and fun days out ,we cant wait..................

Friday, 17 February 2012

My how quick

the week has gone , no inter-web-net-world thing as Human keeps using it and when we get in from the field I'm realy tired. The little speaking box on the self is saying its going to snow again, tomorrow , I dont know how as its been nice and warm today, the grass is grownig the birds are singing and it almost like sping.

Monday, 13 February 2012


weekends ,eh , time to relax and put your hoofs up. NOT for Human though, he's been up a tree pruning it for spring time and giving us some nice branches to chew, digging in the vegetable patch, making raised beds for us goats, baking bread,washing the iron horse and shouting, yes shouting at the box with little people in it, they were telling him that Scotland had lost the rugby agan....
I hope they find it soon

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Getting bitten

one of my girls is back in season and she's calling for me or even some one not quite as handsome to come and visit her ,but of course I cant work the catch on the gate of my pen, the cats wont play ball after in missunderstanding with the vet and his scalpel. So she's rather fustrated and has been getting cross with the haynet,waterbucket and anything else that within reach , its annoying as it disturbing the peace . But I will forgive her one thing, Human was in checking the water buckets, he turned away from her, just for a second and got bitten on the backside, didnt half jump and swear....

Tuesday, 7 February 2012


its a never ending fact of life , but mucking out is a required task,all the more enjoyable the longer its left.

 When your Human has a bad back it tends to get left "just for a couple of days " yeah right well to day the deed had to be done .and we are herded outside, and with a good vantage point we settle down to enjoy todays entertainment. Barrow out ,barrown in, in out in out Hobble limp Hobble limp.......... he is just too kind theres nothing like a nice new bed.
And with the deed done Human lets us in with an affectionate " there you ungrateful buggers", little does he know.

Monday, 6 February 2012

Hi Kids !

We've had a good day, out in the crisp clear air with a little winter sunshine , as a favour to Human we behaved and didnt pull on our lead ropes, went back to our pens nicely, almost a perfect day. I say almost because Julie decided to put her large head through the small gaps in the rails of her pen, Human crippled as he is had to bend the bars to get her head out, then stompes off in doors cross as a hot bun . MIND THE ICE...... too late

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Not fair

He's done it again !! takes MY lap-book-top-net and hides it in the house for a week just because He's off work sick ,his comedy slip on the ice has disabled him and he is hobbling about like a hobbling about thing. So hes been in doors swiming the webernet all week .
Its been winter again and very frosty so all week indoors snuggled up Mrs human has been listening for the kids, but nothing yet, although her ladyship is getting BIG.