Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Too good

to be true, sadly the warm sunny weather faded away , it now chilly and windy , at least its snug indoors tonight. Human has put all his winter rugs on and is muttering about lighting the fire and cursing the fact that he put away the elecktrickery banket for his bed, HA HA HA ....    as I said before Ne'er cast a clout till May be out.

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Phoar ! what

do I need a net-lap-top-book for when the sun is shining and the breeze is just right, the water in the trough is clear and cool , every one is stretched out lazing about , winter is a distant memory, even Human has taken his rugs off and is showing his hairy body to all and sundry , sorry not impressed about the hairy bit.
The swallows are performing aerobatics and skimming along the field at grass height and playing chicken with us , whereas the chickens just look on....
A whole week of good weather , just how long will it last , but as they say here in Scotland " Ne'er cast a clout till May be out." which brings me back to Humans hairy body........

Friday, 18 May 2012

The wind has stopped

and the snow.....  no I'm not kidding ( gettit )  only 6 weeks until the nights draw in and its still winter.
Human is walking about the big field muttering about hay making in a few weeks time , meanwhile back in our snug warm beds. The swallows are nesting in the roof above us , but they get up realy early in the morning, as soon as its light in fact in and out ,chattering away in a nice way, but when you're trying to sleep...

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Now its Wind

at least the gales are helping to dry the field, but Human is tying down his greenhouse that isnt green, stuff is blowing about and the barn door keeps banging so unless Human gets more of his special string there will be little sleep to night, unless of course you just happen to be a very tired kid.....

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

We have all the water

in the world, well it feels like it anyway. Non stop rain and the ground is so wet human cant drive the iron horse we call Mr Ford on the field, this is not good as human is grumpy and fed up . Strangely he has made a little house with see through walls and calls it a green house, how perverse as its not at all green, I wonder what its for .Any ideas ? 
Dayla is growing and stil bouncy as a bouncy thing, I think she has put the other girls in the shade as everyone wants to see her.  I dont mind after all I still have apples and a nice comfy bed.

Friday, 4 May 2012


is her name , I cant keep you in suspense any longer, shes running around like a demented thing  we're all tired, she's not. Human has been busy now the nights are lighter and not spending so much time on the herd wide web and the top-net-book-lap has been out of the way on the high shelf  ( because the "cats" play with it you know ;) )
Anyway its cold and there is snow on the wind tonight so online we are go ,the forecast isnt good so a week end inside, that'll make a change from the nice days out this week.