Sunday, 28 October 2012

White stuff

fell and just as we were going in to bed. Aha, it'll be playing in the snow day tomorrow, Human had the snow tyres fitted back on the motor wagon, the gen-o-rator was checked for fuel and made ready, extra wood stacked and the waterpipe heater turned on.
We went to bed in our nice snuggly pens.

In the morning, the sun was shining and there was no snow.....

Errrr, how we laughed.

Monday, 22 October 2012

It must be true

its in the newspaper ! "Artic freeze on the way" with a picture of snow,( mind you this is the same newspaper that on the day RMS Titanic sank after hitting an iceberg had as a headline " Giant turnip found in Turriff" and a sub headline " Aberdeenshire man lost at sea " )  the nice man it the little speaking box was saying it going to get colder very soon , well we have our winter coats, nice thick hair to keep us warm, unlike Human who has just had a rather savage hair cut from Mrs Human after suggesting baked beans on toast for Christmas day would be Ok  , Ha Ha Ha .

Thursday, 18 October 2012

We are waiting.......

for this snow, or not . Although there has been snowfall on the mountains some 20 leagues away, all we have had is a frost or two. Human has taken off the snow tyres and put them in the back of the motor wagon " See" he tells us " I'm all ready and wont be caught out".

Not like the time as Mrs Human told us ,once when Human had a 4 leg drive motor wagon and the snow tyres he thought that he could drive any where in the snow and ice , and for quite some time during the winter he did, until one day the drove very fast in to a snowdrift that "somehow " jumped out on to the road He got well and truly stuck. Mrs Human who was with him told him off and said that the only way out was to dig the wagon out of the snow drift..........
except that Human didn't have a shovel and so Mrs Human with a small saucepan dug a path out of the snowdrift, after a very long time the wagon was free, Well done Mrs Human ! except Human turned the wagon round and set off at great speed ( as they were late ) straight in to the same snowdrift.....

Have you ever tried walking home in very deep snow ?

We hear this story quite often as Mrs Human  reminds Human quite often about it , just in case he forgets.
Having told you this the net-lap-top-book will probably be put on the top shelf , again.

Oh well soon be winter festival time , talking of seasons Autumn is so beautiful and warm before the cold monochrome of winter ,so have a look at this  now that's something I will look at again and again during the bleak mid winter.

Uh Oh here comes Huma...

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Its NOT going to snow

so says Human, he says that there is a law that states that if you do something then the opposite happens and of course if you dont do something then something does happen, its known as "Sod's Law ".
So after a lot of huffing and puffing human has fitted snow tires to his motorised wagon, announcing that no amount of snow will stop him going out to the store and work, ( but it wont snow now )

Meanwhile Mrs human has been stocking up the freezing box thing and storeroom with stuff we  "just might need if we get snowed in, theres confidence for you.....

Its getting even darker at night and our days out side are numbered, all the swallows have gone so the entertainment in the barn is limited to the cats thinking they can catch the blackbirds and the robins that forage for food in our feed troughs.