Sunday, 2 June 2013

Flaming June

at last the weather has improved and going out on the field and sun bathing is a pleasure, lots of fresh tender grass. Human,when we see him seems too busy for his own good !  the new grass in the hay field is just starting to grown, dont think it will be making hay this year, Human little black pig seem to be getting a better deal in the food stakes, they are growing like mad, soon they will be enormous.

Were off to a show next week,good news as you all know , we get a nice bath and a trip in the mobile metal goat pen, I hope the weather is nice and you will come and see us ( we'll be the handsome ones ) I dont care if we dont win, its the goind along bit that fun . Human will of course disagree, he'll want a rosette , hang on its us on show not him .
See you soon


Sunday, 12 May 2013

We seek him here

we seek him there, where the heck is he ?

Human is on a mission, thats what mrs human says, like a dream he comes in the night and is gone by daybreak, apart from the other day when we heard the iron horse working in the big hay field, what is he up to ? The summer hasnt arrived apart from the swallows who have arrived late ,the sun hasnt shown its face for ages either , have we upset someone ?
In other news........ oh wait, there isn't any .

I think I will have to organize an escape committee !

Saturday, 27 April 2013


for scince ever we havent seen human (male ) well a couple of weeks , some person has been in to feed us, (throw stuff at us more like ) then goes away again, no cuddles , brushing,scratching and NO APPLES and no lap-net-book-web-tablet-device thing either.but he is back and he has brought a new goat kid for us to play with, its cute, wait ,I'll get the camera.....

Saturday, 6 April 2013

He's gone Pigg'in potty

We've hardly seen Human for a while , we can hear him working out side, fencing he says when he comes in to feed us, is this a new paddock for us ? we are getting excited. Then he's been seen making a little house with a round roof, how strange.
Then with a "see you later " he dives off with the mobile goat house thing on wheels.

And when he returns....

He has a couple of ,PIGS ( shudder ) whats wrong with us goats then? What have pigs got that us  lovely fluffy super wonderful goats dont have ?
More importantly do they like apples ( bad ) will they escape (good, from my point of view )
and, WHY ????


ps they smell.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

We love our human

honest ! Its awful weather again , and it been going on for ages. Human has kept us all warm and comfy as the snow falls and the wind blows, it been so bad the ploughing has stopped, even the iron horse has been put in its stable. Lucky we have plenty of food ( apples ) and hay , the gen-o-rator has been working and we have the inter-web-world-net-wide thing working today. This time last year we were out side playing ,then it snowed.....

Keep warm kids and take care


Friday, 8 March 2013

Oh goodness me, how time flies , things have been hectic here ,I have a new mate, another billy goat, havent seen much of him as he's in quarantine at the moment,Human drove hundreds of miles to go and get hin, so he must be a good boy.
Human hasnt been seen much its spring he says and there are things to do, hes been out on the iron horse, in my hay field ploughing up the old grass.

and leaving this , Human says that he will harrow it and seed it and there will be fresh new grass.

I suppose he knows what he's doing, (I hope )
The little ones are growing and getting to the fun stage.

Any way as Human says it's spring, just one thing, its snowing again..............

Sunday, 17 February 2013


has a bit of a familiar ring to it........

any way human left apple i thing behind on the wall during the milking, so it seemed like the right thing to do,very goat unfriendly to work and why does every on pull a funny face when the camers comes out ?

 The kids sleepy after a feed
 One of last years kids

 What on earth are you doing with Humans ipple ??
 OOOOh camera
 Quick pull funny face
 Cheese Apples....

Well I haven got the hang of this photo-grahy the most I know is you have to have a name like Izzy, or Dizzy or Wizzy , no wait it's L..........

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Oh dear !

4 feeds a day and the little ones have taken to the bottle with gusto, and along with 3 girls to milk twice a day Human is looking tired, and he has to go to work to ! such dedication.
The little ones are full of beans and jumping and playing in their pen , just watching the makes me tired . They have been looking at the hay and trying the feed in the bowl, I'd better hide my apples .

Monday, 4 February 2013


in the very early hours 2 boys an one girl arrived, Human is over the moon and went off to work after making sure they were warm and had suckled some milk.
Us goats of course will carry on as normal, although we now have to steal a camera !

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Today is the day

that the kids are due.
Human has been busy these last couple of weeks, when he comes home at night he has fixed a television camera on one of the girls pens and a spiders web camera for the other 2 girls .
So getting hold of the web-top-book-lap has been difficult .
He tells us the TV camera shows a picture in his pen and the other one he can see on the web-top-book-lap, and make it go from one pen to another, he showed us , here's a picture of one of the girls eating hay.
when he reads the instructions he said the moving pictures can go over the interworld thing.
Anyway as I was bleating todays the day but knowing the girls they will make us wait and we will be up all night just to be sure we dont miss anything. Human can take his web-top-book-lap to bed with him.

Thursday, 17 January 2013

He Lives !!!

Looking like a zombie and moving at the speed of a snail ,Human has come like a grizzly bear out of hibernation, Oh boy are we glad to see him, well the note-lap-book-top really. at last apples and extra carrots and cuddles.
With more weather forecast for the next few days we expect Human to come and  join us in the barn rather than hide in the duvet cave !
The Girls are due to have the babies in a couple of weeks , they are enormous ! and have massive udders , so there will be lots of milk ,and Human will have sore hands with all the milking to do.
This year I think he will need some help...

Keep warm and safe everyone

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Colds and Flu !

Human has been dying from the lurgy, he shuffles in feeds us and goes back to his bed. Its so sad, we do feel so sorry for him, and after a week he starts to get better and then..... it snows .

Normally Human likes the snow and puts the big tyres on the motor wagon and plays, but today, bed.