Thursday, 17 January 2013

He Lives !!!

Looking like a zombie and moving at the speed of a snail ,Human has come like a grizzly bear out of hibernation, Oh boy are we glad to see him, well the note-lap-book-top really. at last apples and extra carrots and cuddles.
With more weather forecast for the next few days we expect Human to come and  join us in the barn rather than hide in the duvet cave !
The Girls are due to have the babies in a couple of weeks , they are enormous ! and have massive udders , so there will be lots of milk ,and Human will have sore hands with all the milking to do.
This year I think he will need some help...

Keep warm and safe everyone

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Colds and Flu !

Human has been dying from the lurgy, he shuffles in feeds us and goes back to his bed. Its so sad, we do feel so sorry for him, and after a week he starts to get better and then..... it snows .

Normally Human likes the snow and puts the big tyres on the motor wagon and plays, but today, bed.