Friday, 27 April 2012

The rain

has stopped, the clouds have parted and Mr Sunshine is beaming down on us for an evening treat.
The forcast is good for the weekend and Human who was happy is now over the moon as the first of the swallows have arrived back from Africa.
All is well here tonight , even little one has a name, she's now called

Wednesday, 25 April 2012


has called by , he's looking for pairs of animals.... not realy but he may well do as the rain is still falling, the paddock is now a lake and human is steaming with fustration , his veg patch is waterlogged, the chickens are looking glum too and on sign of the swallows yet , in other news the ducks are happy ,Baaa

Monday, 23 April 2012

Rain rain go away

AND NEVER COME BACK !!!!  will it never end ? straight down, sideways and everywhere, it's so wet, and miserable too .Human has changed from the Nanook of the north look to Captain Nemo.
The swallows are due back from north Africa this week, oh my what a suprise they are going to get, its nice to see them and even nicer to see the sunshine.
Oh Human if you are reading this on MY net-lap-book-top get a name for little one, or she will end up answering to Oy!

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Although the days

are getting longer the rain and frost and other nasty weather hangs about, we've been indoors since Tuesday, so boring although little one STILL NO NAME (are you taking the hint, Human ) is entertaining us ,she can just squeeze out of the pen and explore the rest of the barn, the cats have tried playing with her, creeping up and jumping on her, then they run away as she bounces after them.
Human is still dressed for a polar exploration and now says he'll "ne cast a cloot till may is oot".


Monday, 16 April 2012

April showers

that bring the flowers that bloom in May, yeah right..... showers of hail ,showers of sleet,showers of rain.
The last few days have been quite a mixture sometimes sunny and warm, then sunny and cold then the showers, but today it was sunny and warm and we all went outside to amuse human, the little one, still no name gave us all a good laugh, its the first time she has seen grass let alone eaten it , bounce bounce bounce and runnning around like a demented human, then of course some warm fresh milk and then fast asleep in the spring sunshine, Ahhh.
Meanwhile Nanook of the North ( Human ) is putting on more clothing muttering, it'll be snowing tomorrow,
now that I could quite believe.

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Time passes

Soooo fast when youre watching the litle 'un, so funny , she's getting bigger by the day. We still cant think of a name yet. Human is out checking her and mum too. the cats think she's a new toy , just the right size.... at the moment.
Thing is they soon grow up, look at me, one moment a good looking energetic young boy , full of beans and always getting into trouble , now a mature handsome fella full of beans and still getting into trouble !!!
The weather is very changeable one moment its sunny, then its rain, then fog and now the little people in the speaking box say frost at the end of the week, this has got Human worried as he has put out lots of plants, muttering something about a fleece for them, but just how do you get a jacket on a broad bean seedling ?

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Smile please

well after much hinting and telepathic requests Human finds the camera and takes a picture of the little un,
She bouncing around and drinking loads of milk then sleeping the sleep of the innocent.
Now to think of a name for her........ any suggestions ?

Saturday, 7 April 2012

I'm a

Daddy !! Wooo Hoooo , yeah I've still got it , I'm the daddy !
One of the girls gave birth to a female kid, ahh so cute and cuddly and wobbly and funny and ...
wait, I a big butch bloke. Anyway another female in the herd to guard and protect, aint nature wonderful.

must get camera,(must get Human to take picture )

Wednesday, 4 April 2012


with the snow now,too cold and damp it must be the wrong kind of snow. At least its melting and the cats will soon go out side, I sometimes wish I was a cat, always fed always , somewhere warm to sleep ,a dont care outlook on life and the amazing ability to stop Human in his track with the "cute" act just to get a cuddle /access to the comfy chair indoors/steal the dogs food, but they dont eat my apples !

Monday, 2 April 2012

It's Snowing

It's snowing, Human is shouting, look April fools day was yesterday, we're not falling for that, Oh wait, whats that white stuff on his head.
It's snowing everyone , woo hoo !

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Still laughing

but who at ? Mr human for the telling off he got, along with burnt toast for breakfast, or Mrs Human for falling for it.
Oh well the day are longer spring is in the air and forcast of snow for tomorrow !!

"Quick, Hurry !

the goats have escaped !  "
Human is shouting, but wait a mo, I'm in my pen, the girls are in their pens, what is going on?
Human is still shouting and banging on Mrs Humans window, so much for her sunday lie in then.
"come on they are escaping".....
                                                     and so Mrs Human still with sleep in her eyes stumbles out .

Shouts the soon to be injured Mr Human