Monday, 23 April 2012

Rain rain go away

AND NEVER COME BACK !!!!  will it never end ? straight down, sideways and everywhere, it's so wet, and miserable too .Human has changed from the Nanook of the north look to Captain Nemo.
The swallows are due back from north Africa this week, oh my what a suprise they are going to get, its nice to see them and even nicer to see the sunshine.
Oh Human if you are reading this on MY net-lap-book-top get a name for little one, or she will end up answering to Oy!


  1. It's really gloomy in Somewhere, Someplace, Canada right now. Not good for the next photography block! Boo :(
    -Lizzy has a Camera

    1. Here in Scotlandshire we sing "that song" for Annie, the sun'll come out tomorrow, and like the offer of free apples tomorrow tomorrow is only a day away but never comes.
      Hope the light improves soon for you
