Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Hi Kids !

Batwoman has been to see us , well the bats really, and she  has told Human what to do ( always the same women telling Human what to do ha ha )
Its a full moon and its very bright and the sky is clear, the dogs have been howling tonight, most weird. Its got very cold too and we are all cuddled up in the straw, we can see our breath, but not for long as its time soon for the lights to go out, after all its a school day tomorrow,unless it snows.......

I must get hold of Humans picture making box and take some images  for you to see , I wonder how it works ? any one know ?
Stay warm

Friday, 23 November 2012


the wind has died down only for it to rain, and rain. Human has been walking around the barn with a smug look on his face and mentioning how dry it was and that there were no leaks in the roof , even when the wing was rattling it, that was until he glimpsed daylight coming through the end wall, just a little bit though the 2ft thick stone wall. With a bit of huffing and puffing the ladders were set up and Human went up to have a look with his little sun on a stick. "Oh Bugger " ( a quaint old Scottish expression ) he said "BATS" and came down to tell us how the bloodsucking  evil and enormous flying beasts would be the end of us all..
Strange , they are tiny sweet things that come out at night in the summer and eat insects, after all we share the barn with them. Anyway a bat lady ( was going to say batwoman ! ) is going to come and inspect them as they are protected and decide if human can do something to the hole in the wall.

Its still raining and it getting cold , I hope Mrs Human is making waterproof coats.

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Its Blowing

an absolute gale here tonight.even birds have come in to the barn for shelter , Human has closed all the doors but the roof still rattles and bangs with each gust.
Ive snuggled up to the little one ( not so little now ) she thinks I'm being protective,but it's more a case of having something soft to lie on !!
Mrs Human has measured us all for our winter rugs, so we can go outside when the weather is bad....
they have yet to work out that we have four legs to brake with whereas they only have two to pull with.
Sorry George ( Orwell ) four legs good, two legs bad.
Time for another calming apple from Human.

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

All quiet on the western front

no wind no sun and no rain, just very quiet . Human says its the calm before the storm, I hope he's wrong.The days are short so we don't stay out side for long and the grass and bushes have less on them to eat, there's still a few apples on the ground though !
In his vain attempt to tidy up Human has lit a bonfire, its been smouldering for ages , no flames just smoke . Sometimes the smoke blows in and we can smell it ,on occasions its quite nice when its dead leaves and garden stuff, but when he burns plastic and rubbish its awful and we cough in protest.

On Sunday the 11th of November Human was very quiet, he wore his poppy with great pride and in respect of those who fell in all the wars, at 11o'clock the speaking box was silent and Human stopped work and stood still, we just stood and watched , it just seemed the right thing to do.
Human said it some thing we all owe to those that made a sacrifice.

Human once said that no matter where in the world someone comes from if you open them up and look inside they all have the same working parts ( some even interchangeable ! )   and like motor wagons only vary in colour and left hand or right hand drive , he hasn't explained if the male is left or  right hand drive.
A bit deep for a goat but I'm sure you'll understand.

Monday, 5 November 2012

It's war

or so it seems , loud explosions, bright flashes and the smell of gunpowder, yes it's Guy Fawkes night and every one is celebrating by letting off fireworks and having big fires with an effigy on the top.
Human has told us all about it ( as he did last year, and the year before ) and told us not to be frightened.
Now Mr Fawkes and his mates went to blow up the government but they got caught, he failed, so why is everyone celebrating a failure ?
 I'll tell you why, its because we are British and that's what we do.
So says Human....
In the meantime we will continue to look scared every time he comes in to check on us ,oh and accept the " calming " apples he has in his pocket !