Monday, 31 December 2012

A New Year

rolls in , and in a microsecond its 2013. Say hello to the new year ,and to old friends too.

Best wishes to you all

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Silent night,

and as if by magic the wind and the rain stopped, the roof and the doors no longer rattled the sound of the sound of  bells emanating from the little speaking box and all is well, "Merry Christmas every one " I said " and Merry Christmas to you to Eric they replied " and from the dark end of the barn a quiet almost a whisper voice said " Seasons greetings , although you are mischievous , play tricks on me , have fun at my expense and eat all the apples ,I love you all "

Well that was a surprise I can tell you , we never knew Humans could speak goat on Christmas night!
 After a good sleep we woke to the most wonderful present, a sunny day with not a breath of wind ,blue sky's and a run in the fields followed by a special Christmas lunch ( with extra apples and carrots )  and although we didnt have visitors I'm sure they would have enjoyed it here.

Monday, 24 December 2012

Its the night before....

We've cleared out one of the stables, put down fresh straw, tidied up the manger and got some snacks in for any possible visitors. Most of us have been doing vocal exercises ready for the magic hour, There are a couple of joinery jobs to be done but I understand a carpenter will be along soon......

Human has been furtively wrapping Mrs Humans presents and hiding them in the hayloft ( I may have just blown his element of surprise )

We are snug in the barn tonight , the wind and the rain has been persistent for the last 2 weeks, we have warmth and food and good company tonight, but please spare a thought for those who are alone, or cold and hungry or homeless and have nowhere to go . If you can spare more than a thought ,maybe some company,food or even a warm coat so much the better.

But no matter who you are and where you are  Merry Christmas !

Friday, 14 December 2012

Gangnam Style

I tried it but with 4 legs it was a bit of a failure, but some one said that putting Gangnam Style in my post would help my "hit" rate.

Well its the 14th of December not long to the second most important day of the year, the most important day ?

Well lets all just say,                  Happy Birthday Lizzy !

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

and driving he went

deep and "just the right snow" our hero announces and muttering that he needs some thing from the store sets off in the snow. Well that was morning.
That afternoon Mrs Human is filling our hay rack and telling us that Mr Human has been a long time , a very long time , should she telephone him on the speaking brick thing ? or just wait ?
And then out of the blizzard comes Human and his motor wagon, triumphant and with a big grin across his face ,"did you get what you wanted dear" asks Mrs Human, " Oh I knew I has forgotten something" he replies. Its always the same the first few days of snow are fun but then it gets boring and then a nuisance, year after year .

Monday, 3 December 2012

Frezing cold

It started on Saturday night, from a fine crisp sunny day to snow and hail all in an hour ! Its getting colder and more snow is forecast, Human is rubbing his hands together and has a smug look on his face, all because of his winter tyres ! All he needs now is an excuse to go driving....

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Hi Kids !

Batwoman has been to see us , well the bats really, and she  has told Human what to do ( always the same women telling Human what to do ha ha )
Its a full moon and its very bright and the sky is clear, the dogs have been howling tonight, most weird. Its got very cold too and we are all cuddled up in the straw, we can see our breath, but not for long as its time soon for the lights to go out, after all its a school day tomorrow,unless it snows.......

I must get hold of Humans picture making box and take some images  for you to see , I wonder how it works ? any one know ?
Stay warm

Friday, 23 November 2012


the wind has died down only for it to rain, and rain. Human has been walking around the barn with a smug look on his face and mentioning how dry it was and that there were no leaks in the roof , even when the wing was rattling it, that was until he glimpsed daylight coming through the end wall, just a little bit though the 2ft thick stone wall. With a bit of huffing and puffing the ladders were set up and Human went up to have a look with his little sun on a stick. "Oh Bugger " ( a quaint old Scottish expression ) he said "BATS" and came down to tell us how the bloodsucking  evil and enormous flying beasts would be the end of us all..
Strange , they are tiny sweet things that come out at night in the summer and eat insects, after all we share the barn with them. Anyway a bat lady ( was going to say batwoman ! ) is going to come and inspect them as they are protected and decide if human can do something to the hole in the wall.

Its still raining and it getting cold , I hope Mrs Human is making waterproof coats.

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Its Blowing

an absolute gale here tonight.even birds have come in to the barn for shelter , Human has closed all the doors but the roof still rattles and bangs with each gust.
Ive snuggled up to the little one ( not so little now ) she thinks I'm being protective,but it's more a case of having something soft to lie on !!
Mrs Human has measured us all for our winter rugs, so we can go outside when the weather is bad....
they have yet to work out that we have four legs to brake with whereas they only have two to pull with.
Sorry George ( Orwell ) four legs good, two legs bad.
Time for another calming apple from Human.

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

All quiet on the western front

no wind no sun and no rain, just very quiet . Human says its the calm before the storm, I hope he's wrong.The days are short so we don't stay out side for long and the grass and bushes have less on them to eat, there's still a few apples on the ground though !
In his vain attempt to tidy up Human has lit a bonfire, its been smouldering for ages , no flames just smoke . Sometimes the smoke blows in and we can smell it ,on occasions its quite nice when its dead leaves and garden stuff, but when he burns plastic and rubbish its awful and we cough in protest.

On Sunday the 11th of November Human was very quiet, he wore his poppy with great pride and in respect of those who fell in all the wars, at 11o'clock the speaking box was silent and Human stopped work and stood still, we just stood and watched , it just seemed the right thing to do.
Human said it some thing we all owe to those that made a sacrifice.

Human once said that no matter where in the world someone comes from if you open them up and look inside they all have the same working parts ( some even interchangeable ! )   and like motor wagons only vary in colour and left hand or right hand drive , he hasn't explained if the male is left or  right hand drive.
A bit deep for a goat but I'm sure you'll understand.

Monday, 5 November 2012

It's war

or so it seems , loud explosions, bright flashes and the smell of gunpowder, yes it's Guy Fawkes night and every one is celebrating by letting off fireworks and having big fires with an effigy on the top.
Human has told us all about it ( as he did last year, and the year before ) and told us not to be frightened.
Now Mr Fawkes and his mates went to blow up the government but they got caught, he failed, so why is everyone celebrating a failure ?
 I'll tell you why, its because we are British and that's what we do.
So says Human....
In the meantime we will continue to look scared every time he comes in to check on us ,oh and accept the " calming " apples he has in his pocket !

Sunday, 28 October 2012

White stuff

fell and just as we were going in to bed. Aha, it'll be playing in the snow day tomorrow, Human had the snow tyres fitted back on the motor wagon, the gen-o-rator was checked for fuel and made ready, extra wood stacked and the waterpipe heater turned on.
We went to bed in our nice snuggly pens.

In the morning, the sun was shining and there was no snow.....

Errrr, how we laughed.

Monday, 22 October 2012

It must be true

its in the newspaper ! "Artic freeze on the way" with a picture of snow,( mind you this is the same newspaper that on the day RMS Titanic sank after hitting an iceberg had as a headline " Giant turnip found in Turriff" and a sub headline " Aberdeenshire man lost at sea " )  the nice man it the little speaking box was saying it going to get colder very soon , well we have our winter coats, nice thick hair to keep us warm, unlike Human who has just had a rather savage hair cut from Mrs Human after suggesting baked beans on toast for Christmas day would be Ok  , Ha Ha Ha .

Thursday, 18 October 2012

We are waiting.......

for this snow, or not . Although there has been snowfall on the mountains some 20 leagues away, all we have had is a frost or two. Human has taken off the snow tyres and put them in the back of the motor wagon " See" he tells us " I'm all ready and wont be caught out".

Not like the time as Mrs Human told us ,once when Human had a 4 leg drive motor wagon and the snow tyres he thought that he could drive any where in the snow and ice , and for quite some time during the winter he did, until one day the drove very fast in to a snowdrift that "somehow " jumped out on to the road He got well and truly stuck. Mrs Human who was with him told him off and said that the only way out was to dig the wagon out of the snow drift..........
except that Human didn't have a shovel and so Mrs Human with a small saucepan dug a path out of the snowdrift, after a very long time the wagon was free, Well done Mrs Human ! except Human turned the wagon round and set off at great speed ( as they were late ) straight in to the same snowdrift.....

Have you ever tried walking home in very deep snow ?

We hear this story quite often as Mrs Human  reminds Human quite often about it , just in case he forgets.
Having told you this the net-lap-top-book will probably be put on the top shelf , again.

Oh well soon be winter festival time , talking of seasons Autumn is so beautiful and warm before the cold monochrome of winter ,so have a look at this  now that's something I will look at again and again during the bleak mid winter.

Uh Oh here comes Huma...

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Its NOT going to snow

so says Human, he says that there is a law that states that if you do something then the opposite happens and of course if you dont do something then something does happen, its known as "Sod's Law ".
So after a lot of huffing and puffing human has fitted snow tires to his motorised wagon, announcing that no amount of snow will stop him going out to the store and work, ( but it wont snow now )

Meanwhile Mrs human has been stocking up the freezing box thing and storeroom with stuff we  "just might need if we get snowed in, theres confidence for you.....

Its getting even darker at night and our days out side are numbered, all the swallows have gone so the entertainment in the barn is limited to the cats thinking they can catch the blackbirds and the robins that forage for food in our feed troughs.

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Up and down, Up and down

the big field he goes sitting on the iron horse,doing the ploughting seeding,rolling thing. Its all done so he says, while we have been lazing about in our paddock, he's been working away in his geenhouse thats not green There are lots of tomatos , peppers and egg plants ( dont tell the chickens this ) I had a couple of the apples from the orchard and a new thing called a pair, but there was only one of them, bit like the greenhiuse that isnt, it tasted alright but I still prefer the apples .
The lady from the genetics place called by to make sure the tank type thing was full with the steamy stuff, I found out what it is acutually used for , you wont believe this but.....

                                                     ............. and that's how baby gots are made !

All the girls, apart from the little one have been "done " this way, I feel sort of  redundant.

Sunday, 16 September 2012

grow grass or let grass grow,

He's at it again ! the Iron horse is in action . Human is ploughing up the grass in the hay field saying that its about time it was replaced with ...... grass Eh? He say that the new grass will be better and make nicer hay than before , but as a goat what would I know,. But as a goat I know the apples in t he orchard are ready, I've seen them on the trees and the cats say that there are a few on the ground where the wind has blown the down, this calls for a plan.......

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Lots of things

have been happening here at "happylands" Human has been hogging the net-top-book-lap thing
look like he's been buying things in the well known auction site, the dog like it when this happens as the postman / van drivers have to come down to the house , where the dogs are.
Any way the first of the stuff has arrived  , its a tank type thing it sit in the corner and some times steamy type vapour comes out , no time to check it out as we went off on a trip to the genetics place where unspeakable things are done !
The apples on the trees are looking good , an investment for the winter, in the mean time, cabbage and hedgerow browsings are in season.
Human has been cutting more trees for the heater in the house and even better he has been on the roof fixing the leaks, so hopefuly no dreeps in the pens this year !

Saturday, 25 August 2012

a long day...

the show was fun ( for us ) human seemed a little quiet on the trip back , we did try to explain to him that someone has to be last in the line up and the "incident " with the raffle prizes was pure misfortume , well they did smell nice !   so its been  a quiet week human still not saying a lot and suggeting that one of the girls would make a nice rug ?? cant see a goat knitting a rug my self , prehaps I have misunderstood.
The weather is still un predictable and the fields need spraying and plouhing, then reseeding. I wonder what that all means.

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Uh Oh !

Shampoo time some of us are getting the wash & goat ( gettit ? ) treatment, this can only mean one thing.  SHOWTIME !! Woo Hoo.  I just love a good show , a wee trip out in the mobile metal goat pen, see other goats and steal their food if possible, it always tastes better you know.
Human is running around with a list, naughty, nice ,naughty, ni........ oh not that sort of list, just coats, buckets, haynets.and lets hope he remembers us goats. The other thing about shows is that we get treats like apples, which of course you know I like,  be good get a treat ,be a nusance and still get a treat to make me behave, its win win.
Of course that what Human wants us to do in the show ring win win win.
Oh well early to bed , no doubt we will be up and away very early, its going to be a long day.

Friday, 10 August 2012

Its still fine

weather, Human is cheerful and singing in a happy go lucky way, every one is enjoying this summer at last. Mrs Human is in the see through house picking red tomatos,cucumbers and other nice treats like lettuce. We've been out every day just lazing around cudding and watching the other " wildlife"  pass by.
This week we have seen in no particular order, Deer, Rabbits a Fox and badgers in the evening just before we went indoors. The birds are amazing especialy when Humans are not about, the Blackbirds are working away at the fruit bushes and the strawberries,the doves are in with the beans. we saw swallows every day, they are just amazing and now the little ones are flying too. A Buzzard  came over making that scary noise they do, we went and hid in the shelter, just in case.....

Saturday, 4 August 2012

Gosh !

where does the time go when youre having fun ? we've been out side most of the time , just "chillin" well it is a scottish summer after all ! but the weather has been better. Human is busy with hay making and other stuff that I dont understand , he came home the other day in a big box thing with wheels that were bigger than me and , he tells me this is his work, strange job I think sitting in a box on wheels all day.
Mrs Human has put more fencing around the vegtable patch, cant think why......

Monday, 23 July 2012

Rubbish weather

Human is still grumpy , the grass is cut for hay and more humans have been with iron horses to turn it over so the sun gets on it, sun, who am I kidding ! it plays peek-a-boo from behind the clouds, at least its dry and we've been out playing. I managed to jump over the fence and had a wander round the farm , there were nice red raspberries, well what was left after the blackbirds had finnished . the gate to the vegatable garden was shut, curse these hoofs ! But I did manage a few flowers before grumply caught me .He shouted those naughty words again, the ones he shouts at the iron horse when it wont work !  So I jumped back in to the paddock, serves him right for not putting on the fence that bites.

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Its still raining

and I am still cuddled up with my new girlfriends, in fact we are all cuddled up together.For entertainment the fledgling swallows are taking their first flights, so sweet and when they "land" in our pens the look of horror is fantastic.
Human is grumpy, no change there again , he been doing more work on the buildings. getting ready for winter he says.
Its St Swithins day today, so the weather will be rubbish for a few more weeks yet. Apple anyone ?

Sunday, 8 July 2012

I'm in love

the new girls have settled in , I've shown them round the place , introduced them to everyone else, shared an apple.........  or two.
Its still raining lots of it, never mind 2 new freinds to cuddle up to

Sunday, 1 July 2012

He's Back

we heard the trailer arrive, nice and quiet, there is some thing in it, a deep breath and the barn door opens in in comes....

           2 of them  oh yes , fresh meat blood for little old me , boy oh boy, I'm so excited I must introduce my.....  oh, they've gone to sleep.

Somethings up

Human has gone out with the livestock trailer, bedding and hay was put in , I thought we were off to a show, but no.
This can only mean many things,many many things but what ?

Thursday, 28 June 2012

Worried ?

I should say so, Human that is, having made it rain over a week ago is feeling guilty, The Iron horse and the hay turner sit forlornly out in the still falling rain. Every one is giving him "the look"  the cats, dogs and even the proper horses, and he knows it is all his fault.
The middle of summer has always been a good time , the long lazy days of sunshine they say, but now the days are getting shorter, well daylight really ( still 24 hours in a day )  some said the other day " well thats the nights drawing in then" but its the mornings not nights that its noticable first, any way soon be Christmas !

Thursday, 21 June 2012

I feel sorry

for Human, first the book-top-net-lap got wet , but dried out and staggered back to life, good news eh ? no,THEN we get struck by the frightning bolt and the world was cut off from us , Gen-o-rator came to the rescue with lights and the speaking box with little people in it is keeping us amused as we watch the rain fall. Human the admits its all his fault for making it rain... He put the hay turning thing on the Iron horse, he should know by now.... NEVER mention hay making out loud as the rain will soon appear.
We tried to cheer him up by reminding him that it the longest day of the year,                                                 " too ( naughty word ) long Eric, heres an apple."
Sweet !

Friday, 15 June 2012

Techno failure

When I get wet, I still work, Human gets wet , he still works, sort of , Iron Horse is always getting wet yet that still works , so why  when the net-lap-book-top gets wet its wont work ?
As you can guess its been raining again, on and off and the wind is getting up , I feel so sorry for the sheep on the next door farm, usualy they need sunblock but this year its wooly jumpers they need , just like the ones they just had !

Sunday, 10 June 2012


but in the end I let him " catch " me, after all it was his own fault for leaving the gate open. Yesterday the weather was damp and misty so not only were we made to stay in side and make our own entertainment /
mischief but Human goes off to a goat show and leaves us behind ! Even more insulting he arrives back home a little redder from the sun. Hmmm

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Oh well

back indoors again , the sun is hidden by the grey clouds and swirling mist. Human (still red) is wandering about absent mindedly , infact so absent minded he has left the gate to my pen open....
There's nowhere to run apart around the barn, the outer door are shut ,but why waste an oppertunity ?
 I must parade up and down past the girls they will in turn shout and bleat their adoration for me , Human will come to investigate the uproar and of course I will lead him a merry dance around the barn, he does need the exercise ! But first and foremost I 'll knock things off the shelves and have a go at the feed bin lids in a search for apples, it's what I do.

Monday, 4 June 2012

It must be summer

Human is riding about on the iron horse cutting grass, making the place look tidy. We are enjoying the extended good weather, outside every day , its not hot ,but warm enough to enjoy. Every one is in a good mood, the chickens are dust bathing and preening , the duck are sleeping in the sun, the stupid dogs are in the out side run  lying flat out sleeping with one eye open,so they tell us , but when I have a closer look both eyes are shut and they are snoring, some sort of guard dog then.....  as for the cats , well they are lying on their backs having given up trying to catch the low flying swallows who tease then. Human as I said is on his iron horse and is shirtless but slowly going red !! he's the only one of us with out a hairy coat, how odd !

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Too good

to be true, sadly the warm sunny weather faded away , it now chilly and windy , at least its snug indoors tonight. Human has put all his winter rugs on and is muttering about lighting the fire and cursing the fact that he put away the elecktrickery banket for his bed, HA HA HA ....    as I said before Ne'er cast a clout till May be out.

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Phoar ! what

do I need a net-lap-top-book for when the sun is shining and the breeze is just right, the water in the trough is clear and cool , every one is stretched out lazing about , winter is a distant memory, even Human has taken his rugs off and is showing his hairy body to all and sundry , sorry not impressed about the hairy bit.
The swallows are performing aerobatics and skimming along the field at grass height and playing chicken with us , whereas the chickens just look on....
A whole week of good weather , just how long will it last , but as they say here in Scotland " Ne'er cast a clout till May be out." which brings me back to Humans hairy body........

Friday, 18 May 2012

The wind has stopped

and the snow.....  no I'm not kidding ( gettit )  only 6 weeks until the nights draw in and its still winter.
Human is walking about the big field muttering about hay making in a few weeks time , meanwhile back in our snug warm beds. The swallows are nesting in the roof above us , but they get up realy early in the morning, as soon as its light in fact in and out ,chattering away in a nice way, but when you're trying to sleep...

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Now its Wind

at least the gales are helping to dry the field, but Human is tying down his greenhouse that isnt green, stuff is blowing about and the barn door keeps banging so unless Human gets more of his special string there will be little sleep to night, unless of course you just happen to be a very tired kid.....

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

We have all the water

in the world, well it feels like it anyway. Non stop rain and the ground is so wet human cant drive the iron horse we call Mr Ford on the field, this is not good as human is grumpy and fed up . Strangely he has made a little house with see through walls and calls it a green house, how perverse as its not at all green, I wonder what its for .Any ideas ? 
Dayla is growing and stil bouncy as a bouncy thing, I think she has put the other girls in the shade as everyone wants to see her.  I dont mind after all I still have apples and a nice comfy bed.

Friday, 4 May 2012


is her name , I cant keep you in suspense any longer, shes running around like a demented thing  we're all tired, she's not. Human has been busy now the nights are lighter and not spending so much time on the herd wide web and the top-net-book-lap has been out of the way on the high shelf  ( because the "cats" play with it you know ;) )
Anyway its cold and there is snow on the wind tonight so online we are go ,the forecast isnt good so a week end inside, that'll make a change from the nice days out this week.

Friday, 27 April 2012

The rain

has stopped, the clouds have parted and Mr Sunshine is beaming down on us for an evening treat.
The forcast is good for the weekend and Human who was happy is now over the moon as the first of the swallows have arrived back from Africa.
All is well here tonight , even little one has a name, she's now called

Wednesday, 25 April 2012


has called by , he's looking for pairs of animals.... not realy but he may well do as the rain is still falling, the paddock is now a lake and human is steaming with fustration , his veg patch is waterlogged, the chickens are looking glum too and on sign of the swallows yet , in other news the ducks are happy ,Baaa

Monday, 23 April 2012

Rain rain go away

AND NEVER COME BACK !!!!  will it never end ? straight down, sideways and everywhere, it's so wet, and miserable too .Human has changed from the Nanook of the north look to Captain Nemo.
The swallows are due back from north Africa this week, oh my what a suprise they are going to get, its nice to see them and even nicer to see the sunshine.
Oh Human if you are reading this on MY net-lap-book-top get a name for little one, or she will end up answering to Oy!

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Although the days

are getting longer the rain and frost and other nasty weather hangs about, we've been indoors since Tuesday, so boring although little one STILL NO NAME (are you taking the hint, Human ) is entertaining us ,she can just squeeze out of the pen and explore the rest of the barn, the cats have tried playing with her, creeping up and jumping on her, then they run away as she bounces after them.
Human is still dressed for a polar exploration and now says he'll "ne cast a cloot till may is oot".


Monday, 16 April 2012

April showers

that bring the flowers that bloom in May, yeah right..... showers of hail ,showers of sleet,showers of rain.
The last few days have been quite a mixture sometimes sunny and warm, then sunny and cold then the showers, but today it was sunny and warm and we all went outside to amuse human, the little one, still no name gave us all a good laugh, its the first time she has seen grass let alone eaten it , bounce bounce bounce and runnning around like a demented human, then of course some warm fresh milk and then fast asleep in the spring sunshine, Ahhh.
Meanwhile Nanook of the North ( Human ) is putting on more clothing muttering, it'll be snowing tomorrow,
now that I could quite believe.

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Time passes

Soooo fast when youre watching the litle 'un, so funny , she's getting bigger by the day. We still cant think of a name yet. Human is out checking her and mum too. the cats think she's a new toy , just the right size.... at the moment.
Thing is they soon grow up, look at me, one moment a good looking energetic young boy , full of beans and always getting into trouble , now a mature handsome fella full of beans and still getting into trouble !!!
The weather is very changeable one moment its sunny, then its rain, then fog and now the little people in the speaking box say frost at the end of the week, this has got Human worried as he has put out lots of plants, muttering something about a fleece for them, but just how do you get a jacket on a broad bean seedling ?

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Smile please

well after much hinting and telepathic requests Human finds the camera and takes a picture of the little un,
She bouncing around and drinking loads of milk then sleeping the sleep of the innocent.
Now to think of a name for her........ any suggestions ?

Saturday, 7 April 2012

I'm a

Daddy !! Wooo Hoooo , yeah I've still got it , I'm the daddy !
One of the girls gave birth to a female kid, ahh so cute and cuddly and wobbly and funny and ...
wait, I a big butch bloke. Anyway another female in the herd to guard and protect, aint nature wonderful.

must get camera,(must get Human to take picture )

Wednesday, 4 April 2012


with the snow now,too cold and damp it must be the wrong kind of snow. At least its melting and the cats will soon go out side, I sometimes wish I was a cat, always fed always , somewhere warm to sleep ,a dont care outlook on life and the amazing ability to stop Human in his track with the "cute" act just to get a cuddle /access to the comfy chair indoors/steal the dogs food, but they dont eat my apples !

Monday, 2 April 2012

It's Snowing

It's snowing, Human is shouting, look April fools day was yesterday, we're not falling for that, Oh wait, whats that white stuff on his head.
It's snowing everyone , woo hoo !

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Still laughing

but who at ? Mr human for the telling off he got, along with burnt toast for breakfast, or Mrs Human for falling for it.
Oh well the day are longer spring is in the air and forcast of snow for tomorrow !!

"Quick, Hurry !

the goats have escaped !  "
Human is shouting, but wait a mo, I'm in my pen, the girls are in their pens, what is going on?
Human is still shouting and banging on Mrs Humans window, so much for her sunday lie in then.
"come on they are escaping".....
                                                     and so Mrs Human still with sleep in her eyes stumbles out .

Shouts the soon to be injured Mr Human

Thursday, 29 March 2012

For once

it looks like human is right (for once)  the weather is turning colder and the wind is chilly , the little man in the speaking box says snow at the weekend... I hope he is kidding, talking of which we are a few weeks away for our kids to arrive. That will be fun,little fluffy bundles of joy bouncing around the pen ,new life such a wonder , aww shucks thats just blown my macho image !

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Oh Bliss

Out all day to day , human went to work leaving the fence that bites ticking away, we are in the field next to  the hens and ducks , they are so much fun, we accused the hens of being cowards, they denied it until we pointed out the realy were chicken.....
Human says weather will get colder so we are making the most of it.

Summer time

Phew what weather, so warm and sunny . Human has put us out side every day. The grass is growing nice and sweet , the long lazy hazy days of summer is making every one is happy and relaxed ,
wait a momenrt it's March, snow next week then!

Saturday, 24 March 2012

I do like apples, but not this one

I bet you wondered where I have been for the last month, well, it all started when human dropped the net-lap-top-book and it it was only fit for the knackery. Human in his Infinite wisdom decided on a new "device" as he put it , only he didnt consult me, and so it comes all the way from some south American rain forest,  it said so on the box, its as Human says the latest in computing and a design icon to boot, I am more interested in my haynet untill he says " It's an apple", I like apples so wanting a closer look I jump up to look,wheres the key board and the lid ?it's just a flat thing. 
This I am told is a tablet, tablets I , like many other goats do not like. Its bad enough typing one letter at a time with one hoof, but this you have to have capacitive contact to work it , no I dont understand it either all I know if I touched it with my nose it worked but typing with the tip of ones nose  caused me to go cross eyed. 
Theres only one thing for it, it is after all an apple , so I tried to eat it.
Now dead and gone we have a new book-top-book-net, yippee ! 
Better still the world is no longer cut off from the Goat pen

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Hot Keys !

the lap-book-top-net has reappeared, the human has kindly left it on, so purely out of interest he had a look at his browsing history....... He's been on the Goat club web site looking at show dates for the summer !! Woo Hoo !  outings and fun days out ,we cant wait..................

Friday, 17 February 2012

My how quick

the week has gone , no inter-web-net-world thing as Human keeps using it and when we get in from the field I'm realy tired. The little speaking box on the self is saying its going to snow again, tomorrow , I dont know how as its been nice and warm today, the grass is grownig the birds are singing and it almost like sping.

Monday, 13 February 2012


weekends ,eh , time to relax and put your hoofs up. NOT for Human though, he's been up a tree pruning it for spring time and giving us some nice branches to chew, digging in the vegetable patch, making raised beds for us goats, baking bread,washing the iron horse and shouting, yes shouting at the box with little people in it, they were telling him that Scotland had lost the rugby agan....
I hope they find it soon

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Getting bitten

one of my girls is back in season and she's calling for me or even some one not quite as handsome to come and visit her ,but of course I cant work the catch on the gate of my pen, the cats wont play ball after in missunderstanding with the vet and his scalpel. So she's rather fustrated and has been getting cross with the haynet,waterbucket and anything else that within reach , its annoying as it disturbing the peace . But I will forgive her one thing, Human was in checking the water buckets, he turned away from her, just for a second and got bitten on the backside, didnt half jump and swear....

Tuesday, 7 February 2012


its a never ending fact of life , but mucking out is a required task,all the more enjoyable the longer its left.

 When your Human has a bad back it tends to get left "just for a couple of days " yeah right well to day the deed had to be done .and we are herded outside, and with a good vantage point we settle down to enjoy todays entertainment. Barrow out ,barrown in, in out in out Hobble limp Hobble limp.......... he is just too kind theres nothing like a nice new bed.
And with the deed done Human lets us in with an affectionate " there you ungrateful buggers", little does he know.

Monday, 6 February 2012

Hi Kids !

We've had a good day, out in the crisp clear air with a little winter sunshine , as a favour to Human we behaved and didnt pull on our lead ropes, went back to our pens nicely, almost a perfect day. I say almost because Julie decided to put her large head through the small gaps in the rails of her pen, Human crippled as he is had to bend the bars to get her head out, then stompes off in doors cross as a hot bun . MIND THE ICE...... too late

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Not fair

He's done it again !! takes MY lap-book-top-net and hides it in the house for a week just because He's off work sick ,his comedy slip on the ice has disabled him and he is hobbling about like a hobbling about thing. So hes been in doors swiming the webernet all week .
Its been winter again and very frosty so all week indoors snuggled up Mrs human has been listening for the kids, but nothing yet, although her ladyship is getting BIG.

Sunday, 29 January 2012


or what ! Human has realised we are taking the micky, Ha Ha , as a result he took away the net-web-top-book and sulked for the last couple of days . Oh dear , this morning we were let out to play although it was a little chilly, sadly ( honest ) Human slipped on the ice and fell over .... ever woken up with a herd around you ?

Thursday, 26 January 2012

A new game

all out today in the field next to the horses who are quite game for a laugh, so when human comes out to check us we all stand and stare all in the same direction, of course he joins us in attempting to see what we are "looking " at. The trick is to see how long he will look for with out going bonkers !! we got him 4 times this afternoon. Tomorrow we're all going to run around demented shouting at the top of our voices.....

Wednesday, 25 January 2012


there you are ! as I mentioned before we are getting energy efficient light bulbs, they have arrived and ,well nothing realy , they light up , eventualy so a bit of an anti climax.
More excitingly was the tree blowing down and cutting off the jelebone and wed-inter-world-net-wide thing, the rest of the world was cut off from us. its taken days and days for human to cut up the tree with his angry buzzing machine and the engineer has now been and fixed the wire, on the upside human has more tree to burn, we have some nice bits of branch to nibble.

Thursday, 19 January 2012


I've done it again, all this talk of spring and what happens ? we wake up this morning to wintery showers and a gale blowing. at least we have some live entertainment in human and his amazing metal hitting things sticktogether thing.. the new pens are nearly finnished, Human has announced that we are to get energy efficient light bulbs to save money, whatever.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Another sunny

day out in the field, you could think it was spring, the chickens are pushing out an extra egg each day and its lighter for longer, but still cccold , Human had better hurry up with the new pens as one of the girls is looking biger by the day ( well realy she's looking bigger by Eric !! ), oh well suit your self

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Too Good

to be indoors and play on the world wide net when you can be out side in the chilly but sunny field, and his humanship is bashing away at wood and stuff making new pens, that is until tonight all of a sudden the wind has got stronger andf we are back inside even the cats have joined us in making nests in the straw, heads down for more winter weather..

Friday, 13 January 2012

He's Back

and so is my net-top-book-lap ! and speaking words of comfort yes  our pens are changing and nice rubber floor for comfort and saving of straw and lot of other stuff too. I like changes, its so much fun watching things happen and of course extra titbits to make up for the disruption...

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

So Just how

long does this manly flu last ? Human ( male ) not been seen today female human has been out to "do" us  much more a pleasant experiance, but maybe good news as she potters around with a tape measure muttering something about kids pens............YES KID'S PEN'S..... Woo Hooo! I going to be a daddy again, time to check the calender

Tuesday, 10 January 2012


just a few grunts and a sniffle, oh human looks rough today in his sleeping clothes and wellington boots.I'm suprised he managed to feed us with half shut eyes, and here we are bouncing around with the joys of spring, shame...

Monday, 9 January 2012


and I dont mean the weather, Human has staggered in ,nose running, bleary eyed and swearing that he is about to die, so he's got a cold then. we are fed and bedded in record time, at least he left the talking box with little people on and he's gone off to bed. So he says.......

Sunday, 8 January 2012

is it summer ?

yesterday was nice, out in the sun and today the same for most of the day, on the down side human suspects I am using the top-note-book-lap he said something about the marks on it , at least it not a typingwriter as he said monkeys would write the entire works of somebody or other, little does he know.....

Friday, 6 January 2012

Oh what a change

chilly and clear, the wind has dropped and we are ouside in the winter watery sun , still wet but we can run and jump and headbutt each other and collapse in a panting damp heap by the gate Yipppee  Everything is not where it should be, stuff has been moved by the wind, even out field shelter has shifted.
But it's still nice to come in to a nice fluffy bed and carrots and apples for tea, I like apples

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Another day

another gust of wind, and sleet,and wheely bin/ Most of the world is blowing past the barn door today, the amount of rubbish is quite amazing, most of it from the wheely bin that flew by, and its not even ours ! Human is cross that he will have to pick it all up , whereas us goats would choose tyo leave it for a day or so, well at least until the wind changes direction.....

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

A goat walks in to a bar

and the bar man says, " Hey you've just a long a face as the human." He's been grumpy all day, the wind died down the rain has stopped and no damage ! so why the long face ? well he looked at the forecast on the top-net-lap-book and I cant say I blame him. More weather to come and just as bad. Its the chickens I feel sorry for, in a little hut exposed to the weather but if the hut blows over it wont go far as there is a good fence around the run . The cats have come in tonight to join us in the straw, better forcast than the weather person.

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Human is right

for once ! the weather has taken a turn for the worse, the wind is horrendus everything is ratteling and banging,stuff is blowing about,and I'm tucked up in the corner of my pen behind a "wall" of straw, thank goodness for a hairy coat. Human is in and out looking at the roof, the lights are flickering on and off gen-o-rator
 is standing by. When will the sun come back ?

Monday, 2 January 2012

Oh my goodness

its been fun here of late, human in his exitement took my book-net-top-lap for as he said wishing family happy new year and never gave it back !!!
we all went off to bed as usual until all of a sudden there was banging and shouting and flashes in the sky, just like in November, thats ruined a good sleep then. Sunday is normaly a lazy day, but not as lazy as today, human has his sore head on and only conversation is " havent seen you lot this year..."  so here we are kicking our heels and human comes back in with a form of somesorts , we are to stand still whilst he counts us , its for the goverment, why?
And Monday comes bright and clear, and very cold . Human is getting stuff in side as he says the weather is to get worse in a few days time and we way have to use the gen-o-rator  again, lucky we've got one then.

Happy new year every one

Eric and the girls